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A member registered Mar 19, 2020

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Very nice take on a "figure out the ingredients" formula. The story felt touching and is well meshed with brewing mechanics and world building. I really appreciate that cutesy presentation actually portrays serious themes and maintains proper tone, which I think is the secret sauce and biggest advantage of npckc's games. There is some trial and error in the beginning, but overall it is a very neatly packaged little experience.

Cute and touching as always. I rarely replay any games, but here I made chocolates several tens of times o.o
I did not see how the tags relate to different characters, so I guess I'm not terribly clever, but in the end I managed to get all the endings, which is so satisfying ^^

Actually, starting with third instalment created some eureka moments when going back to play previous games. Also, when I later replayed the trilogy in order I've caught some details I missed the first time through (e.g. where did Haru's necklace come from).

Concerning the postmortem - this is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for sharing. I see that the process is not always straightforward, but you have to keep on going. There is just one more thing that intrigues me - how do you choose which jams to participate in?

After having played all the stories separately (starting with 'Spring leaves no flowers') I was excited to see this compilation released.

It offers a wonderful opportunity to share the struggles in vulnerability of 3 friends presented in a non-judgmental, relatable and comforting way with a touch of light-hearted humour. The added epilogue is just icing on the cake and a well-deserved happy end for the characters. Absolutely loved every moment of it.

I am glad to support such touching and earnest work. I appreciate the effort that went into creating such an expressive, unique style both in graphics and music. Small touches in font selection and sound effects (button bops ^^) really add to the charming and cozy tone. Also loved the animated gallery and music player (the ringtones are fire and I think they suit each personality).

But there is more than just the art style - I believe games can test not only our minds and reflexes but also our capacity to relate and empathize with others, as clearly demonstrated here (I had similar experience with an old Flash visual novel 'Air Pressure').

Finally, if it's ok with you, I would be delighted if you shared your thoughts on motivation and production process (I am familiar with Ren'py and FL studio, but would like to get into jam culture).

Once again thank you for the time and effort you put in your work. Surely this becomes a ray of hope for so many individuals, who will find the representation and acceptance they so badly need. People like you remind me to be open about our environment and craft. Ultimately, I hope stories like these will inspire us to be true to ourselves and share what's best in us.